
See what clients have to say about Cynthia:

I was in a rut professionally, physically, and emotionally. I wanted to become a healthier individual, but I didn’t know where to start on my own and maintain those actions. I knew I needed the external motivation and accountability to begin strides towards change in my personal and professional life. Cynthia challenged me to move out of my comfort zone and make positive changes for my present and future. She challenged me by asking questions that required me to think through what was in my control to change, to identify steps that would lead to my best life, and how to implement those steps. The most helpful part of working with Cynthia as my coach was the goal setting, tools for implementation, encouragement, and being held accountable in a very safe, non-judgmental, and caring way. In the short time we worked together, I have traveled so far in my journey of self-care, happiness, and balance. I am now living my best life thanks to Cynthia.

- Dana B.

I am cautious when it comes to talking about personal situations and seeking help. I will go back and forth in my brain with "I should just ask for help, but I can't because what if..." I was nervous going to my first session ever, but I left feeling at ease and more confident. Cynthia has a calming demeanor that electrifies empathy and positivism. She will be your encouragement in discovering, experiencing, and improving.

- Lauren G.

Cynthia is a true joy to work with!  She has a wonderful, calming personality and really helps to support the grounding work so I can open up and speak my truths.  Cynthia allows me to be honest with myself without judgement and encourages the goal-setting process.  She follows up with helpful notes from the sessions.  Cynthia is great at holding me accountable for my goals and very encouraging throughout the process.  I would absolutely recommend Cynthia as a positive and caring Health & Wellness Coach! 

- Jenn P.

Cynthia was insightful and asked very perceptive questions. Her calm and friendly demeanor were welcoming and open. I truly benefited from having Cynthia as my coach!

- Gretchen R.

Working with Cynthia has been life changing work. We started with a physical practice that connects body and breath and with her immense background in anatomy and how each pose can be used to create more space in the body and address physical imbalances. Cynthia is particularly gifted at creating a personalized practice that meets you wherever you are at with your physical or mental health. When I started working with her, I had a lot of physical health problems that naturally created a lot of lethargy, discouragement and anxiety about my ability to function. As we worked on integration of the body and breath and then connecting it to the mind and heart, I have become healthier and happier every single day. My mind is easily cleared now of useless chatter or background noise and I have developed many tools for self care originating in self love and self compassion. In addition to being the most talented health and wellness mentor and yoga teacher I have ever met, Cynthia is also able to help you achieve the life that aligns with your values and desires by intention setting practices and helping you create small achievable goals for yourself (reinforced with accountability) to make real change in your life. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to work with this compassionate and knowledgeable woman who has helped me not only achieve health goals but life goals and become a happier and more peaceful person.

- Rebecca S.

As a yoga instructor, Cynthia brings warmth, joy, and mastery to her teaching. She pays careful attention to the individual needs of each student. She modifies classes to fit the group with which she is working, and guides individual students in modifying postures to work best for their bodies. She combines a keen interest in science and a strong analytical mind with a deep intuitive sense of what an individual student needs to move forward on their own journey. She's creative yet disciplined in her approach, never sacrificing the rigor of yoga to please, but always adapting to meet individual needs. At the end of her classes I always feel that my mind, body, and spirit have all been tended to.

- Tom G.

Cynthia's strong background in biology and psychology helps her deliver yoga practices with references to the newest research in integrative health. Her detailed attention to human physiology helps beginners like me understand my own body with precision and care. Cynthia inspires beginning practitioners like me by bringing passion and joy to her own practice of yoga. Intuitive and mindful to her participants, she is a creative genius at personalizing yoga classes based on the needs of her participants.

- Hiroki I. 

Cynthia is very good at helping her students understand the parts of a pose so that the pose gets put together with ease. She is kind when providing instruction and pays attention to the needs of each student. And she makes yoga fun!!

- Elliot H.

Cynthia has a contagious passion for life, happiness and health. She provides a very nurturing, supportive environment for all skill levels, while effectively motivating you to reach your goals. Whether you are a total noobie or a seasoned veteran, I highly recommend some Cynthia in your life & yoga practice!

- Will S.

Cynthia is a glistening beam of sunshine, and her yoga practice is no different! Dance and yoga and mindfulness have always been a constant in her life, and her passion for these subjects is nothing short of genuine and pure. You will love any practice with this lady!

- Cathy S.

I've taken the beginner yoga class. It was great! I had never done yoga before and Cynthia was amazing at making me feel welcome and comfortable. When it was just me/daughter in the class, she tailored the class to us. She's friendly, down to earth and pleasant to be around!! I love her yoga classes!!

- Denise M.

I took the beginner yoga series and I loved it! It was the perfect, laid-back yoga experience for someone who is new to the practice. There were always opportunities to ask questions which was super helpful. I would highly recommend this class! 

- Jessica K.